Friday, December 08, 2006


So apparently it's winter outside. There is a LOT of snow on the ground. Like... 2 feet at least? It's pretty crazy. Buses, cabs, schools - everything's closed/down. They've even cancelled all the Western exams for today. This is crazy! I did an hour and a half of shovelling last night, my brother did about an hour, and this morning, my brother and my Dad were out there for another 2 hours.


Well, bring on the hot chocolate and the Christmas music. Winter is definitely here!


Jamie A. Grant said...

My dad is positively giddy that he finally gets to use his brand new snow blower. I love the fact that I don't have to go out there for hours on end.

I'm not sure if working fromm home is a good thing or a bad thing on a day like today. Heh.

Anonymous said...

:O I'm so jealous! I want snow.. why does Hamilton have no snow???

Actually wait... I just looked outside and its snowing! Yay! :D But there's very little on the ground :(

Anyways, enjoy! Ttyl