Friday, April 27, 2007

... it's the National Anthem!!

So I have a bone to pick. With who? With the guys at hockey games who cannot wait until the end of the National Anthem to yell "GO (insert team name here)" at the top of their lungs.

I mean, why is it that these people can't just stand respectfully through the whole national anthem and THEN show team support? Please. Someone explain this to me.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Oh yes. That's right. I'm done first year! I honestly can't believe how fast it went by. Except for the last week, which felt like a month in and of itself, I feel like it was 2 months ago that I started University. I'm going to be in 2nd year next year!! Craziness.

As for celebration procedures, I have purchased the mandatory Ben and Jerry's ice cream and plan to watch/fall asleep to movies this afternoon. I only got 3 hours of sleep last night so it sounds like a heavenly plan to me.

:D More meaningful posts to follow... once I catch up on my sleep.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Kryptonite on earth?

Came across this article today and found it interesting.

Apparently they've found a mineral on earth that has "virtually" the same composition as Kryptonite.

"The new mineral does not contain fluorine and is white rather than green, but in all other respects the chemistry matches that for the rock containing kryptonite."

I love how at the end they say they'll have to be careful with it as they don't want to "deprive" Earth of our favourite superhero.

Okay, so how long before I sound like a complete Superman nerd? I'm already there? Alrighty then.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Oddly Enough...

... if you don't quite have the courage to break up with your significant other you can now hire someone to do it for you.

...think you have a brand new toilet design? Mm... not so much as apparently they can easily catch fire. But it's okay, this company is offering "free checks" and "repairs" to people who want them. Lol, if I was a customer, not only would I be demanding my money back, but I'd be suing... who wants a repair job?

...if you want your very own authentic piece-of-the-Titanic watch, there is now a guy in Switzerland who makes them. Oh, and did I mention they cost between $7,800 and $173,100?

...apparently something as small as a loose mouse can delay flights. I love the line where it says the mouse was "taken off". Is that just a nice way to say "disposed of" or did they actually set it free?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Done... in 14 days

So today I had my last lecture of my first year of University. I'm actually kind of shocked. Scratch that, I'm a lot shocked. I can't believe how fast this year went by. Wow.

Anyways, this is what my exam schedule looks like:

Monday 16: CSI at 2pm
Sunday 22: Astronomy at 7pm
Monday 23: History at 9am
Monday 23: Sociology 7pm
Wednesday 25: Psychology 9am

I'm not looking forward to the whole 24 hour period with 3 exams, but what can I say, they'll be over and done with really quickly! Lol.

Okay, and now for the question of the day.

Do you believe in extra-terrestrial intelligent life? What about UFOs? If you believe in ET life, do you believe that Earth has been visited? (And by UFOs, I don't just mean objects in the sky that we don't know what they are, I mean ET UFOs.)

My thoughts to come.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!!

I'd just like to say a wonderful bloggy Happy Birthday to my Mom. :D :D I'm not going to say how old she is, because she might sue me for infringement of privacy or something, but I will post a picture of the two of us in Vancouver last summer:

Hahaha. It's one of the only ones of the two of us from the whole trip. On our second last day there at Shannon Falls (really pretty, I'd recommend it) this random guy was like, "You guys look like you need a picture together. Allow me?" and pretty much took my camera out of my hand. So viola, here we are.

More to come next week, but for now, I'm pooped and am off to enjoy the wonderful world of sleep. :D

So Apparently I'm Supposed to Post


Monday, April 02, 2007

Must See

If you haven't already, you must see this video. SO cute. Enough said.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Fill an Empty Tummy

I just thought this was a really special and worthwhile idea and am participating myself, and thought some of you would be interested. No pressure whatsoever, but I thought I'd give some info about this anyways.

One of my TAs in the CSI (no, not the movie show, the Childhood and Social Institutions program at Kings) program has a daughter who has taken it upon herself to compile a recipe book. The title of the recipe book, "Fill an Empty Tummy" is a great representation of what she wants to do with the recipes. She's going to make a recipe book and then sell it to raise money for kids in India who don't have enough to eat.

Delaney has asked for recipes from the following groups - (1) snacks, (2) appetisers, (3) main course, (4) soup, (5) desserts, (6) side dishes, (7) salads, and (8) baked foods. If you would like to participate, please pass the recipes along to me (through e=mail or via the comment section) in the following format:

Name of dish:
Category of the dish:
Your name:
How hard it is to prepare - rating it from 1 (really easy) to 5 (sort of tricky)
How many people it will serve:

Once again, this post is not meant to put you under pressure (come on, it's a blog :P) but if you feel like sending in a recipe or two I will make sure it gets passed along. She's going to be selling the cookbooks at some point as well, so if you'd like one of those I could definitely order one for you.