Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Done... in 14 days

So today I had my last lecture of my first year of University. I'm actually kind of shocked. Scratch that, I'm a lot shocked. I can't believe how fast this year went by. Wow.

Anyways, this is what my exam schedule looks like:

Monday 16: CSI at 2pm
Sunday 22: Astronomy at 7pm
Monday 23: History at 9am
Monday 23: Sociology 7pm
Wednesday 25: Psychology 9am

I'm not looking forward to the whole 24 hour period with 3 exams, but what can I say, they'll be over and done with really quickly! Lol.

Okay, and now for the question of the day.

Do you believe in extra-terrestrial intelligent life? What about UFOs? If you believe in ET life, do you believe that Earth has been visited? (And by UFOs, I don't just mean objects in the sky that we don't know what they are, I mean ET UFOs.)

My thoughts to come.

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