Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I have two friends that I met at the beginning of the school year, and we share a number of classes together. We hang out occasionally, which is nice. Now, these two friends were friends with each other before they met me, and have been friends for a while. Recently, however, friend A has become angry and annoyed with friend B, and is now refusing to talk to her. Friend B has no idea what she did and despite her attempts to talk to friend A, friend A is still refusing to speak to her.

If you followed and understand that you're doing better than I am.

Let me say this:

1. For those of you who haven't finished highschool yet - the drama doesn't end there.

2. If anyone ever has a problem with me, please just talk to me about it. I'm sure it isn't as big of a deal as you think it is.

3. Staying out of the middle of drama is harder said than done.

*Sigh* Such is the life of a university student. Apparently.

1 comment:

*Becky* said...

people are dumb. girls are really dumb. and drama never ends.

thats all i have to say about that. :)